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Portable Appliance Testing, is the only way to guarantee that all the portable appliances in your office or business premises meet with the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations Act (1974).


To make sure that your appliances, and more importantly, your staff, are safe, you need to have regular PAT tests using specialized 



These checks aren’t just limited to items such as fans and computers; anything attached to an electrical socket must be thoroughly checked, with some appliances needing several different tests before they can be approved for use. This is necessary to prevent electrical fires and keep your electricity system safe, thus protecting the Company.


Our dedicated and fully qualified team of assessors will conduct thorough PAT testing to identify the hazards and then advise you on any action which needs to be taken to ensure their appliances meet with the standards set by law.


Our top priority at Compass Fire Protection is the safety of all staff members.

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